Marchand Law, LLP
If you fight a large corporation you won’t get a “do over.” If a loved one is seriously injured, or a family member is killed by someone else’s negligence you need a lawyer who’s handled those cases for decades. We each have more than 20 years of experience handling cases involving car, truck and bus accidents, construction and other workplace accidents, explosions and fires, railroad grade crossing accidents, electrocutions, day care injuries and deaths, defective products, medical malpractice, and drugs and medical devices. We also bring years of engineering and nursing experience to your case. Before law school Dave Marchand was an aeronautical engineer, and Leanna Marchand has been a Registered Nurse for 26 years. We’ve litigated and tried complex cases many times.
Corporations have armies of lawyers. Your lawyers can’t just work hard, they have to work smart, and think many moves ahead. We do. Our opponents have told judges “we got snookered,” and after we cross-examined our opponent’s hired gun expert witness at trial he got down off the witness stand with the jury laughing out loud as he walked straight out of the courtroom. We’ve refused offers by an insurance company to pay our client the limit of their driver’s coverage and later forced them to pay our client many times that amount. If we agree to represent you, we will have a plan for your case – and a Plan B, and a Plan C.
Each client has their own individual needs, so the monetary recovery we secure for them is just one measure of our success. We work closely with each client to understand what their needs are, and to explain their rights and options throughout their case to achieve their goals.
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Principal Office: Dallas, Texas
Marchand Law, LLP