Car and Truck Wrecks

Car and Truck Wrecks

car and truck wrecks
Every year almost 3 million people are injured in car wrecks in the United States, and more than 30,000 are killed. Even minor wrecks can result in serious injuries. The investigation your lawyer makes of a car, truck or bus accident must be thorough. Sometimes that requires us to immediately obtain a Temporary Restraining Order or to buy the damaged vehicles in order to prevent destruction of critical evidence. We can also obtain the “black box” data from the vehicles and hire accident reconstruction experts to recreate how a wreck occurred, down to the fraction of a second. When we inspect your vehicle we look not only for evidence of how the wreck happened, but also whether your car’s design contributed to your injuries, including how your car’s safety features performed during the wreck. 

Tractor-trailers, or “18-wheelers,” can weigh more than 80,000 pounds fully loaded. When they or other commercial vehicles are involved in an accident, it’s rare that occupants of the other vehicles are not injured. Because commercial trucks are regulated by federal and state laws, including the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Act, violations of those laws often contribute to causing the wreck. These can include the truck owner failing to properly investigate the driver’s background, failing to perform the required inspections or maintenance on the truck, or the driver working more than the maximum number of hours in a given period.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car or truck wreck, call us for a free consultation.

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